Raising Eco Building Standards
Taking the Cost & Difficulty Out of Eco Building

Simplifying EcoBuilding: Affordable, Accessible, and Achievable
An ongoing project of mine has been to simplify and lower the cost of EcoBuilding. Here’s how I approach it:
- Breaking Down Barriers: The sustainable building industry often profits by keeping EcoBuilding complex and exclusive, treating it as a ‘Black Art.’
- Demystifying EcoBuilding: Whether it’s called Green Building, Sustainable Building, or EcoBuilding, my goal is to make it straightforward and approachable.
Who Benefits?
- Empowering you to understand and achieve sustainable construction.
- Builders and Tradesmen: Supporting skilled professionals with practical, clear solutions.
- DIY Self-Builders: Making sustainable building methods accessible for those who want to take it into their own hands.
By rethinking EcoBuilding, I aim to make sustainable construction a reality for everyone.
Sheathing relocated outboard
Makes a robust 'tea cosy' of the airtight layerRethinks traditional processes to simplify and enhance performance
Handsome Construction
Homegrown sawn untreated durable douglas fir, mellows beautifullySimplified design makes EcoBuilding more accessible and robust
Basic carpentry
Better results with simplified designSupporting builders & firms who are encouraged to adapt and innovate
Revolutionizing EcoBuilding: Better Practices Demystified
In contrast, the conventional "Black Art" approach to EcoBuilding is cumbersome, fragile, and overly complicated.
It relies on intricate membranes and adhesive tapes of questionable durability, demanding near-perfect application even in challenging, hard-to-reach areas. The result is an eco-performance that is easily compromised during real-world use.
The key distinction lies in the approach:
- “Black Art” EcoBuilding relies on costly, finicky, and temporary solutions that patch over familiar yet inefficient construction methods. These bandaid fixes aim to make traditional routines “sort-of” work but lack elegance or long-term reliability
- “Radical” EcoBuilding reimagines the process, turning conventional construction layers and workflows on their head to meet EcoBuilding standards with precision and simplicity. This method eliminates unnecessary complexities, utilizes basic trade skills, and avoids reliance on over-engineered fixes, often making it simpler than standard non-EcoBuilding practices.

Example of over complication. Airtight layer of expensive hi-tech fragile plastic sheet, conventionally located inboard, punctured by multiple joists etc, imperfectly sealed by fiddly hi-tech sticky tape (how long will that last?)
Challenges in Adoption: Conservatism Willingness & Competence:
- While the industry has no shortage of skilled tradespeople, willingness to embrace new techniques is a hurdle.
- The fast-paced, gig-driven nature of modern construction leaves little room for experimenting with unfamiliar methods, even if they’re ultimately easier.
- short-term profitability, allocating their best staff to traditional, proven workflows rather than innovative approaches.
- Many tradespeople also resist change due to a natural preference for familiar methods.A Future in EcoBuilding:Despite these challenges, a growing number of firms and individuals recognize the potential of EcoBuilding as the way forward.
- For those ready to learn and adapt, Radical EcoBuilding offers a practical, sustainable, and future-proof path